Monday 30 April 2012

Hobby Slow Down

I have nothing for Miniature Monday this week. I feel sad and it also shows how I am a little bit lazy: I have Kroot that need painting.

The fiddly little bastards.

They've a lot more smaller details than than the Tau models. Which is a pain for my limited skills and they have natural surfaces like skin and leather. Tricksy.

I was thinking of orange for the  Space Chickens. My Tau are mainly black, so the Orange would both stand out and make a change to paint. Or so the theory went. Being so bright, however, makes my lack of artistry painfully obvious. A dark green is much more forgiving. And boring. Time to work on my skills then....


  1. Come on dude, stick with the orange. If you aren't happy with how they look give them a good old wash with something dark so it covers any mistakes. Granted it will tone the colour down a bit, its a quick and easy way to paint skill. Just base coat orange then wash with delvian mud (or what ever its called these days). Test it out, see what you think.

  2. I've reached a satisfactory compromise since I posted! A bright green on the body, and then using orange on the belly segments. This way I keep the orange as a bright contrast, but make the painting easier on myself. As an added bonus they remind me a bit of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! I'm going to go down to the local Games Workshop soon and get some tips and help. The manager is really supportive! Thanks son

  3. Making comments on my phone: epic fail! "Thanks son" Intender ending:
    Thanks so much for your tip, I will try it in the next batch.

  4. Its ok Dad (or mum, not sure of your sex)
    i will accept your compromise of green and orange. get some pics up, i want to see the turtle goodness!!!
