Thursday 16 August 2012

Tau Update

I haven't posted in a while, having been busy with a tranche of my old models from my youth I found in my parents attic. In partiular some Space Marines, which included a Tactical Sqaud in metal, 4 plastic terminators and a Chaplain in Terminator armour. These have been stripped using the dettol method, and repainted as "The Swords of Midnight". Having worn myself out on these Gue'la warriors of repute, I got the urge to continue with the Cadre.

A thread on ATT inspired me, which detailed the creation of an all drone army. Accordingly I customised one spare gun drone so that instead of twin linked pulse carbines, it has one Pulse Rifle and an attachment indicating it's different configuration and role. I intend to run it as the Commander's personal drone, in addition to another similar customised drone. This is of course highly fluffy and not in the Codex, but it seems to fit the background.

Ten or so FireWarriors need basing and finishing so they are a priority once the custom "Rifle Drone" is finished. I also plan to finally attach the landing gear to the devilfish.

It feels good to be back paying attention to the Tau, there's just somehing about them. Even moreso the recent finecast releases open the way to more conversion opportunites. Happy Days.