Saturday, 30 August 2014


So I have had a saturday night in to myself. The little one has been good and not stirred at all. The resulting hobbytime has been productive. Despite recently posting about my Naga project, I have tried to make some headway with my Mantic Ogres.

Why, you ask?

Well, I want to paint a lot of Lizardmen, however Orges & Trolls are low in number count and already have some completed units so the effort required to complete the army is less. Also they kick ass.

I've got my Trolls pretty much done. They have tiny fiddly legs, which are the main unfinished areas. I am aiming for tabletop standard so they are not works of art. Three Ogre are have now been based , and three more are nearly done.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

The Naga Project

The Naga Project
Hello Wargamers, Warmongers and Mantic fans!
I have been inspired, partially thanks to this thread, to embark on a new army project. The hobby magpie has struck! I plan to create a force of cold blooded reptilian warriors, which I will christen the Naga Raj. My plan is for the Army to be lead by Turtle-Men, the Naga, which will use the Dreadball Teratons. I know Naga are meant to be snakemen but I like the name too much to give it up. 
A traditional Naga

I have liberated some of the old GW plastics from eBay to form the core of the army. The Old Saraus warriors are ten-a-penny on Ebay and I have quite a few. Some are being stripped and some are ready to be basecoated. I do have a fondness for them even now, and they are perfectly servicable minis. As you can see below I do have a fair few to be getting on with.

I will be mainly using the Naga Raj in Kings of War though I am not sure which list to proxy. Orc with Goblin allies would fit, however I have a WIP Greenskin horde already for Kings of War which at the time of writing is my number one project. However they are something of a chore though.... I don't want to have several armies which effectively play the same. Furthermore Orcs aren't quite representative of an implacable relentless for, which is something I associate with Lizardmen.
Abyssal Dwarfs look to have counts as for many of the putative models I have lined up, so it may well be them. The slower nature of the list would lend itself to the reptilian cold blooded aspect of the Naga and their allies. However their alignment of MOST EVIL does correspond with my idea of the Naga Raj being not Evil. They are sacrificey, expansionist and seeking the delicious flesh of warmbloods, but not 'evil'...
I have a rough scheme for proxies noted below:
Halfbreeds -> Sampa Mounted Warriors (Cold One Riders)
Blacksouls -> Sampa Warriors (Lizardmen)
Slave Orcs -> Sampa Labourers (Old style Lizardmen)
Immortal Guard -> Teratons!!!
Lesser Golem -> Elder Sampa (Kroxigor) or my Orges till I get some...
Decimators -> Kisani (Skinks)
In terms of army composition the Naga will lead an army of Lizardmen foot soldiers. The main source of which is to be GW's range, where possible I will avoid using them direct for my own reasons. Despite my distaste for their business practices it cannot be denied that they do make some good minis. There are many Lizardmen minis floating around the net however, and as much as I can, I will use diverse sources of minis. I love the look of the Avatars of War Lizardman Hero.

If Mantic are listening please make a line of reasonably priced reptilian fantasy minis! Or better yet introduce Terarons to the world of Mantica. They would be a great addition, and find a welcoming home in the Naga Raj. I will convert the Dreadball Teratons as fantasy warrior Naga, I plan for them to maybe use spears and axes as their main weapons.

The whole army is to reference South Asian mythology to the extent that my limited modeling and painting skills will allow. It is going to be an expensive project, probably another slowburning pipedream. It will look great on the tabletop and hopefully kick some arse.

Fluff Outline/TLDR
In the southern lands of Mantica, the climate is tropical and dense forest cover the lands. This green cloak is rich in life of all kinds. It is in these lands that the Naga live. The Naga would be known as Turtlemen in the northern lands. The Naga are highly intelligent, and run a complex and diverse civilisation.

At the head of the civilisation are the demigod Akasiya, who instruct the Naga, and below them there are various castes and races of Lizardmen. There are the Warriors and Labourers, the "Imanadara Sampa", often reduced to just Sampa. The scribes, artisans and farmers, the "Kisani". They are smaller than the imposing Sampa, however they are quicker wits.