Greeting Warmongers, Mantic Fans and Wargamers of all stripes. I have a bit of an update on my Mantic Ogre project.
I have another six or so of these bandits coming along. I've assembled a further trio with hand weapons and shields. Thankfully their poses expose their torsos for easier painting access. The Ogres with two-handed weapons have some issues in this regard. That or my shoddy painting skills can't handle it.
There is a now a based and completed unit of 6 Ogre Warriors with two-handed weapons. Gotta love that Crushing Strength (2). That's 190 play points. Three Crossbow/Mini ballista equipped Ogres aren't far behind, for 140 points. So far 330 points in 9 minis, not including any magic items. Ogres are awesome.
3 Blunderbuss equipped Ogres, again 140 points.
3 Ogres with Hand Weapons & Shields, 115 points
3 Ogre with two-handed weapons, 115 points
Total: 700 points.
I do have some Goblins to round this lot out, in terms of bodies and points. Some Orc Gore Riders could be Fleabag riders quite easily though in future I would like to get some of these despite my arachnophobia. Look I'm okay with little ones. It's the monstrous tarantulas that could steal children that terrify me. Or those fuckers from LOTR/The Hobbit. GODAMMIT I hate them. Anyway Ogres would give a shit. They wouldn't mind some spiders.
I am quite pleased with the paint job I'm getting here. The minis do lend themselves to it, with a mixture of large skin areas and some detailey bits. The difference is perhaps that there are less minis so the prospect of painting them is not overwhelming as opposed to 40 Orcs....