Hello Everyone
I have recently started an Ogre army using Mantic's lovely Ogre minis, thanks to a decent Ebay deal. It cannot be denied that these are great miniatures, and in the person the top-heaviness that some online photos have is absent. They have great detail, and a decent amount of variety. To be fair they do have massive massive arms, and so do the Marauder Commandos and Hulk from Deadzone. Some one at Mantic likes the big-guns!
Painting these minis has been fun, and I love the fact that the number of minis that would make up a horde in another army is pretty much the whole army for Ogres, less painting time required AND less monies to spend. As a time challenged new (ish) dad, and with time and funds for hobby competing with Baseball in the hobby arena and more so in the wider family setting this is only a good thing. Further they can double up a trolls in my Orc army. Three Ogres are nearly done, needing basing and final touches, three more are ready to move on from the basecoat stage and three crossbowmen (crossbogre??) have has some base coats.
I get carried away sometimes and fluff my armies before they are even 10% ready to play, and the Ogres are no different. My fluff for these guys is tied into a Dwarven army I plan to do, using a mix of Abyssal Dwarves and Titan Wargames minis. There is a link between the two races in that they both make fierce warriors and have a love of gold, and yet in stature they could not be more different. This is the stuff I have so far.
The Golden Hell Bull Bhaalla and his servants
The smashing of the Fenulian Mirror did not only cause the sundering of the Celestials and the downfall of high civilization. Magic forces where unleashed beyond the scope of mortal minds, birthing untold life and magical entities into Mantica. One such entity is the Golden Hell-Bull Bhaalla.
Trickling into consciousness north of the Mammoth steppe in the Ice mountains, at a site where a massive herd of Aurochs were driven over a cliff by eager hunters in ancient times. Bhaalla is in truth a demi-god, representative of the pride and spitefulness of that beast, but also its protective nature. Slumbering under the mountains, Bhaalla was starved of the food of gods, the worship and adulation of the faithful and laid dormant for millennia. It was only in the last few centuries that Bhaalla has truly awoken. Bhaalla was disturbed by a band of Dwarf and Ogre explorers seeking the treasures of past civilisations deep in the mountains. The seduction of the two groups was a simple matter, and soon they toiled and prayed endlessly nourishing the nascent deity. The fruits of their toils was Bhaallagrad, the under Citadel of the Golden Hell-Bull, a underground complex of halls and mine shafts.
Eager for sacrifices and worship Bhaalla has ensnared a cult of Dwarfs and Ogres, both races drawn to Bhaalla's promises of wealth, power and glory. Bhaalla tolerates no other idol and is a jealous proud deity. Neither a shining or dark god, Bhaalla is terrible in wrath and merciful to those who do his will. Raiding parties journey forth bringing slaves, resources and converts back to Bhaallagrad.
Taken from http://www.feannadh.com/3_workbench/pictures/taurus_concept.JPG |
By my rough reckoning I have around a thousand points, so it will take some time to get them all painted given my glacial painting speed. They were pre-assembled following a Ebay purchase so there are 3 Crossbows, 3 Blunderbusses and 9 Warriors with double handed weapons, and three unassembled which I plan to give a hand weapon and shield. I will add to them in time but this is enough to be getting on with....
I have numerous goblins, including ancient monopose Games Workshop goblins, 20 Night Goblins from Ebay and ten Mantic Spitters. These are the core of a goblin contingent, which will also find a home in the Orc army AND on it's own as a goblin army. These guys will be speedbumps in Kings of War, the Red Goblins. I would like a fleabag unit or two, but I do have some Gore Riders and they will do. For now.
Taken from http://musksminiatures.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/rankeduppretty.jpg |