Ill thought out Rant:
I'm sure by now wargamers have heard or read about the sad news from Beasts of War. I find it a both a totally bizarre situation and really sad. BoW provide coverage and free advertisement for GW, and in covering many systems and companies can be considered quite fair. They were doing good for the wargaming hobby as whole which can only benefit GW.
To essentially punish them for doing so and seemingly being successful seems so vindictive and petty. I can understand having an issue with Wayland Games. However BoW was never a rumour peddler like some sites.
Either GWs products aren't good enough to be compared to others in and open and umbiased way, or GW needs absolute control over their products across the entire internet. Clearly as any one who has seen, say, the mins from Dark Vengeance box set, GW minis are some the absolute best in the business. They could only benefit from the comparisons with others.
Controlling brands and IP is not a matter of locking everything down. If anything its counterproductive. News of the BoW issue spread across the internet quickly, dominating my twitter feeds. Quite a few said they would boycott GW now. How many actaully do this long term remains to be seen. I am one of them. I was thinking about both Chaos Warriors and Lizardmen. No longer.
There are thousands of people who evangelise GWs products for free. It feels like GW would rather they didn't. Sad.