Greetings, and best wishes. In a classic move reminiscent of my younger self I have been distracted from my KoW Orc horde. The demon that is eBay, has lured me into this dangerous path, with several bargains. The High Priestess, under my instruction, got me the Mantic Christmas Box for Christmas. This feast of miniatures was compounded by the Mantic Spring Clear out, where more bargains were had. Resultant from this I now have three new Mantic Army projects. Admittedly I haven't received all these miniatures in the post yet, but a man can dream and plan.
1. Elves
I have managed to get around 750 points of Elves, nearly all infantry, a solid core for further expansion with Cavalry and Drakon Riders. In truth none have technically arrived yet, apart from the sprues from the Christmas Box. This is the curse of eBay! Sill as there is a massive hobby backlog, its not so bad. I have no idea about fluff or indeed a colour scheme for these guys yet. No doubt it will come to me in time.
2. Marauder Orx
Two Grunt Sections, the Trike from the Christmas Box and an old 40k Nob with no arms makes up this army so far. Its not much but according to my calculations its around 530 points all options taken. The initial impetus for this force was the two Grunt Sections for ono £5 on the eBay. How could I turn this down? The Christmas Box has added to this force, as the orc sprues added to variety of the Grunts, and meant there are several bodies left over. These are going to be converted into a heavy weapons sqaud, something which doesn't exist in the Warpath rules, but would be badass nonetheless and would fit the destructive tendencies of the Marauders in the fluff.You can't have enough Dakka.
I even have the beginnings of fluff for them too: 'The Yellowfist Brigade'. An highly organised band, well for Marauders anyway, with ambition. I have begun to assemble this budding force, including the Raptor, which looks amazing. The minis have have a lot of nice accessories on the sprues and I am enjoying putting them together. As for paint schemes, I'm thinking bright, lots of yellow. As they are a ramshackle race, they are going to have a fair bit of variation between minis, which will also be more fun for me. Win/Win.
3. Forgefathers
The Mantic Christmas Box included 5 Elite Forgefathers and a Weapons platform, a prefect base for an army. An order for 20 Steel Warriors, and one depleted bank balance later, and I have the basis for a Space Dwarf army. Sadly unlike the other emergent Warpath force I am building, I don't have any fluff or background in mind.
Colour scheme-wise, I am thinking of dark greens, dirty metals and grey flesh, which would fit the minis, in my mind's eye anyway. It seems 'wrong' to paint these aliens like they are Caucasian, or even humans, hence the grey skin plan.
So 3 more army projects and even more of a backlog, but then what's wrong with that?